Professional Development
NREdCo is proud to have developed and presented Professional and Staff Development on many subjects to many audiences
To Boards of Education, Boards of Trustees, PTAs, Chambers of Commerce and Business & Industry Partners
- Linking business and schools in order to create effective collaborative programs
- How Career Technical Education (CTE) engages students and leads to academic and professional success
- The value of Work Experience in keeping kids in school and connecting them to adults
- The Mentor Handbook - How to appropriately work with at-risk youth and other young people in the workplace
- Effective models for Communicating with At-Risk populations
- Academic Rigor in the world of CTE
- Building infrastructure for specially-funded short-term programs
- Summer Youth Employment
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA/WIOA)
- Others
- Funding Oppportunities for schools with CTE
- Program dollars
- Technology dollars
- Facilities dollars
To Schools Administrators, Counselors and Coordinators
- How to have a successful WASC accreditation
- How to integrate non-traditional programs into your school plan
- The Career Academy Model - how its structure benefits your students
- Building CTE Pathways that are aligned with academic and CTE Model Curriculum Standards
- Funding Oppportunities for schools with CTE
- Perkins Grant
- California Partnership Academy Grants (CPAs)
- Others
- How to stay in compliance with federal, state and local government as well as district mandates
- Creating your Work Experience Education Plan
To Teachers and Other Educators
- Unwrapping Standards so You Can Teach
- Contextualized Instruction - Integrating Academic and Career Content
- Resources to Help you to Teach Effectively
- Teaching SCANS in your Existing Lessons