Did a great half-day training at the Indio WIN Center, where dedicated service providers try to help youth and young adults with barriers to success. This motivated group was very receptive and participatory; we couldn't possibly have had enough time to share all the great ideas and questions peop...
Just finished designing a Communication training specific for service providers who need to recruit and then keep engaged at-risk youth and disonnected young adults. This was originally a part of my Mentor Training model; but now I've expanded the communications piece to include two models for con...
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional model which teaches and reinforces academic, career-technical and employment-preparation skills in a context that engages students and makes them participate in their own learning and assessment. Skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, critical...
If you want to see the California State CTE Standards (Model Curriculum Standards) and CTE Framework , go to my Professional Development (PD) page and click on the right side for Materials and Handouts.
The same goes for the complete SCANS Report from the US Dept. of Labor entitled What Work Requ...
On Career Technical Education presentations will be posted by 12/01/09